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At PROJECT HOUSE AGENTS we believe that experience is the best school.

In 2018, we began to operate professionally in the market after a long history of professional success and adapting to new times. We put technology at the service of the owner and the buyer for a more transparent, more powerful, simpler and, of course, more profitable process.

The seller must take certain decisions into account if he does not want to lose profitability or even devalue his property

We understand that buying an apartment is a process

Long and exhausting, yes, but selling it is not without important decisions that the seller must take into account if he does not want to lose profitability or even devalue his property.

A more transparent, more powerful, simpler and, of course, more profitable process.

Our human team is doing things correctly creating a presence in the area, correctly valuing and making a difference in the market.

Our formula is not secret, it is technological.

© 2018 by PROJECT HOUSE Real Estate.

Nàpols 43, Badalona

Josep Maria de Sagarra 47, Granollers

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