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I want to sell my home!

in the fastest and most efficient way, with total peace of mind and guarantee.
One of our specialist agents will contact you and advise you on how to proceed without obligation
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Find your next home

A real estate transaction is a complex process that requires careful attention to every detail. At PROJECT HOUSE Real Estate, our team of experts offers you a full range of services designed to accompany you every step of the way. With our highly trained and professional team, we will help you select and organize the properties that best fit your needs and budget, ensuring a personalized and hassle-free experience.

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In more than 120 national and international real estate portals

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1 - Our specialist makes a free valuation in your home and professional photos in less than 24 hours. We build your sales project with you.


2 - We know that there is a buyer of your home. We spread the advertisement of your property on more than 50 platforms.

Our professional agent is responsible for all visits and closes the sale at the best price.

In just 3 steps

3 - Your agent manages negotiations with buyers in the most effective way, prepares documentation for deposit and signature and accompanies you to the notary.

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